Archive for the Personal Category

Astenie de primavara…

Posted in Misiune, Personal on April 1, 2011 by D

Saptamanile astea am adormit imaginandu-mi vacanta mea de vara..Mai exact, cea de pe litoral.Mi-am REdownloadat melodiile ce-mi aminteau de perioadele frumoase,si ca sa vezi,m-apuca melancolia.Si dansez.Si imi amintesc de noptile superbe de vara,in care toata lumea dansa pe ritmul eternei si simpaticei Lambade.[Ca tot veni si J Lo cu asta].Era o chestie interesanta pe o plaja din Venus.Chiar era!

Vacanta asta ma ignora complet.Ea nu vede ca am si eu nevoie de ea?Doamne..cand ma gandesc..Acusi terminam un an care parca abia a inceput.Si eu,ca niciodata astept vacanta[:))].Vreau sa dansez,sa topai,sa alerg,sa fac ceva..Simt ca s-au mutat si s-au schimbat atatea in mine de cand am inceput..SI ma bucur.Spun cu veselie si mandrie ca am avut parte de o metamorfoza,a carei adrenalina,abia astept sa o consum.Oh..zile de vara,grabiti-va!Mi-e dor de atatea lucruri vechi pe care le faceam vara..Acum realizez ca atunci eram bucuroasa.Cand eram cu ei..Cei care nu stiu nimic si stiu totul.Copilarii verane.

O sa imi schimb frizura [:D:D:D:D] sa fie procesul complet..:)) Si vreau sa fac ceva..Ceva important vara am in amintire un ‘Self Uprising’ financiar:))

Pana la urma,cui ii pasa de toate astea???Mie,si atat.Dar e ok.Da da,da,da,dadadadadada.

Sa zicem ca era un planner asa…:D.

P.S:Sa ne ghidam dupa mesajul din poza..It’s f[][][]ing important and constructive!Hell yeah..;)


Ca sa vezi..

Posted in 'Proza', Common Interests, Personal on April 1, 2011 by D

Stiu  ca nu avem nici o legatura.Nici macar nu ne cunoastem.E o individa stearsa.Nu ca eu as fi mai vizibila,dar,in memoria mea,si-a facut un loc insignificant.

Ma gandeam..ce a vazut insul la insa?

Adica,incercam sa caut ceva frumos la ea.E draguta.Dar…Si nu stiu..parca ceva nu-mi convenea..Cautam ceva frumos,si fiindca nu am gasit ceva mai mult decat ‘draguta’,am cautat ceva urat la ea.Si am ici pe colo.Nu conteaza.Dar in principiu e draguta.Are dinti frumosi..Se imbraca bine…Ochi frumosi..Buze marisoare parca…[:D]..Si..cred ca e chistocara.Oricum,amandoi sunt,asa ca nu are rost sa mai comentam[:))]

Nici nu stiu de ce ma apuc eu sa scriu despre o asemenea ‘insa'[:D] gandeam si eu asa…Ce intortocheate’s mintile baietilor..Ca sa vezi….[:)):-j]


Posted in 'Proza', Personal, Poezie on March 15, 2011 by D

You totally forgot me..

You forgot me into a place

From where it’s pretty hard to get out..Trust me!

I’m trying..I’ve been trying this for years..But it’s just not..working.

I don’t know what you did..cause..I just can’t open the lock.

And I am tired to watch everyday,every second,how you smell my perfume

How you touch my things…It’s annoying..Just,let me out!I’m begging you.

But if you do that..I’m warning you..


You’ll be in the same situation..Cause I fell for you too!

And I’ll lock you inside for a period..Until we die.

Cause if you die,I die.

And ‘if I die,you die too’-That’s what you say all the time..I can hear that,you know?

And that’s pretty annoying..Cause I want to say that too!

However..If you don’t let me out,I’ll drown with your love,and..I’ll die..So..I told you..!

Let me out or..We’ll die of  l.o.v.e!


They know YOU,Muse boy?:O:O:O

Posted in 'Proza', Common Interests, Personal on March 15, 2011 by D

It was so odd.And just because I knew you!I really wish I didn’t..They said they knew you..and they also are…God!But that can’t be!Cuz..they don’t know what we have together.And that’s why I said I didn’t know you..That much.What a shame..On me,and on my heart.

I should be ponished for that..Or not!Cause,what you do,it’s just a game.A game whose rules you left aside,and..Jee..Not even you,or your brain,don’t know..Only..your..your..sssss**ul[:d].God,do you even know how weird it was to talk about you like I didn’t even know you?I gotta say..I missed you..And,I was so..I can’t even say that.Cuz..for a second,I remembered those beautiful summer times,when I was sitting there,on the attic,reading from a book the same phrase over and over again,watching that ineffectual gate,waiting for you to come,and see me there,waving…But,in the end,you never came..You never came as I expected you to..

You came and surprised me [like REALLY surprised me!], covering my eyes,and waiting for a ‘Hello’.Then,you kissed me…’Cause you missed me’.

Then,we walked under the moonlight,feeling that powerful lime scent of the summer, and thought…We were all silent,only our steps hearing on the alleys…And that’s how..My tears came now.That’s how,my being cries for you..Cause,you say words,that I know you don’t mean,and..that’s what hurts the most..Remember those beautiful brown eyes you had?And..they were so pure when I met you..And looked at you..Now,I couldn’t even see your eyes..Cause you hid.Is that cause you know they’re not like that anymore?Is that cause you’re afraid of me telling you the truth?’s just that..You suffer?And not because of me..And I’m glad.Cause I wouldn’t like to see you suffer because of my acts.You’re afraid of her.And that’s it.

You’re perfect!You’re so alike me.We do the same things,we say the same words…And,we have the same problems.Well,almost.[:d].

But it’s you…It’s you Muse boy!

:)And I’ll keep using long as my heart will.

P.S : Iar m-ai aţâţat.Shame on me!And..on you,especially!

O metamorfoza :D!

Posted in 'Proza', Common Interests, Personal on March 8, 2011 by D
Primavara asta o sa iubesti,o sa dansezi,o s acanti,o sa te opresti pe strada si ai sa iei la dans toti trecatorii,tristi sau nu,o sa cumperi flori,si ai sa bucuri floraresele,ai sa alergi prin parcuri,cu copii de mana,si ai sa tet joci cu ei de-a ‘v-ati ascunselea’,o sa fii admonestata de parinti,si ai sa fugi daruindu-le o floare si un sarut pe obraz!Ai sa te dai cu ruj rosu,o sa iti faci o coafura indrazneata,o sa porti tocurile bunicii,si ai sa iesi pe strada!Ca sa vada toti cat te-ai schimbat.Bineinteles,o sa fii catalogata drept ‘nebuna’,dar,nu conteaza!Pentru ca tu,te-ai schimbat.Ai sa inveti sa fii mai buna,sa dai mai mult,sa asculti mai mult! O sa adori primavara,pentru ca ti-a adus numai cadouri-pentru ca ai sa privesti in retrospectiva,si ai sa iti aduci aminte cu drag si nostalgie de zilele de primavara.Pentru ca asa cum renaste universul in timp de primavara,asa o sa renasti si tu.O sa fie metamorfoza ta,transformarea ta!Pentru ca primavara asta,traieste daca traiesti tu!Tu esti un fluture al primaverii.TU esti cea care dezbraca si gazduieste primavara,in inima,mintea si trupul tau!Pentru ca asa vei fi tu de acum inainte..O PRIMAVARA FERICITA fetelor!!

Cu drag,Dia.*_*

[ La multi ani tuturor!:mom,Ale,Gia,Mar,Ad,colegelor( G&L)Tusy,Vicu:X si restul fetelor dragi mie ]<3<3